
Minnesota Rural Electric Association provides a variety of training to electric 鸡笼eratives, 与供应商成员协作以支持合作需求, and engages with 鸡笼erative member-owner families through our annual 青春之旅.


Minnesota Rural Electric Association provides member 鸡笼eratives with 教育al opportunities like new director training, 领导力培训, 和更多的.



We collaborate with vendors and partners to support our member electric 鸡笼eratives.



我们的青年旅游计划, 一个让高中生参观我们国家首都的机会, is one of many examples of how electric 鸡笼eratives support their local communities.



Minnesota Rural Electric Association provides member 鸡笼eratives with 教育al opportunities like new director training, 领导力培训, 和更多的.




We collaborate with vendors and partners to support our member electric 鸡笼eratives.



我们的青年旅游计划, 一个让高中生参观我们国家首都的机会, is one of many examples of how electric 鸡笼eratives support their local communities.



Minnesota Rural Electric Association provides member 鸡笼eratives with 教育al opportunities like new director training, 领导力培训, 和更多的.



We collaborate with vendors and partners to support our member electric 鸡笼eratives.



我们的青年旅游计划, 一个让高中生参观我们国家首都的机会, is one of many examples of how electric 鸡笼eratives support their local communities.


For more than 50 years, electric 鸡笼eratives have sponsored the annual Rural Electric 青春之旅. High school students ages 16-18 are selected for a trip to Washington, D.C. 亲身体验政府的运作方式.

Participating electric 鸡笼eratives provide leadership, history, and fun. 青春之旅 attendees spend a day on Capitol Hill visiting with our senators and representatives, witnessing the profound grandeur of monuments to our most celebrated leaders, reflecting on the true cost of freedom by eyeing row upon row of white crosses at Arlington Cemetery, and experiencing what life was like on George Washington’s beloved Mount Vernon plantation.


“The Rural Electric 青春之旅 is a great avenue for youth to get involved both in the energy production and consumption of their community and in energy policy at a national level. It was a pleasure to meet with the students from southern Minnesota and to hear their thoughts on the renewable energy sources that will come to fruition during their lifetimes. 我被这一代未来的领导人所鼓舞, and I hope to see more students in Washington as part of future Rural Electric 青春之旅s.”


被选为华盛顿特区议员.C. youth tour, you must apply through the electric 鸡笼erative that serves your area of the state. Thirty-three of Minnesota’s electric 鸡笼eratives participate in the Washington 青春之旅. Each co-op has a unique application process and criteria to select the student or students to be sponsored as delegates. 如果你是一名16-18岁的高中生, please contact your local electric 鸡笼erative for eligibility requirements.


We provide our members extensive training and 教育 opportunities for every role at electric 鸡笼eratives. 我们的培训领域包括领导能力, 管理, 金融, 监督, 客户服务, 技术最佳实践, 每月现场安全会议, 学徒认证, 实际操作技能, 热线工作, 计量和更多.

教育是七项合作原则之一, and we strive to support Minnesota’s electric 鸡笼eratives with the knowledge they need to provide member-owners with reliable, 安全, 以及负担得起的电力.



我们的 lineworker apprenticeship program is an exciting opportunity to be a part of the solution for long-term grid reliability amid the clean energy transition.

从地下系统设计到了解电路基本原理, apprentices learn the trade from experienced journeymen in the context of a member-owned, 非营利性电力合作社.

为学徒, this means something different than working for an investor-owned or municipal utility— it means being a part of a 鸡笼erative business model. 以服务当地需求的历史为指导, 电力合作社优先考虑社区服务, 教育, 民主治理, 独立自主.

Designed to meet the federal and state Department of Labor requirements, the beat365中文官方网站 lineworker apprentice program is four years with the potential to test out in 1-2 years. 学徒在熟练工的监督下动手学习. 在学徒期结束时, 公用事业人员已做好安全施工的准备, 操作, 并维护电力系统.

Those interested in pursuing a career in 鸡笼erative utility linework should have a sense of adventure, 对社区的热情, 也不怕高. 欲了解更多信息或招收学徒, 365beat中文网.


Supporting Minnesota’s electric 鸡笼eratives would not be possible without our vendor members. 我们的 供应商会员计划 provides advertising and marketing opportunities along with conferences, trade shows and events for vendors to network with electric 鸡笼erative employees.

点击这里查看我们的会员名录 & 买家指南. 
要订购副本, 点击这里. 

对赞助、展览或广告感兴趣的? 365beat中文网.



In 2024, beat365中文官方网站 and the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives (IAEC) are partnering to bring light and prosperity to people living in Guatemala.

作为NRECA国际项目的一部分, 这有助于给贫困国家带来电力, beat365中文官方网站 and IAEC will be supplying a team of 14 line workers to an area near San Marcos to help electrify two small communities in June.

NRECA的工作已经在危地马拉进行了多年. In 2011, the first large group of volunteers traveled to Guatemala to help build electric infrastructure. 从那时起, 7人以上,000 people in rural Guatemala have received power through the work of the NRECA国际项目.


We hope to raise at least $100,000 for this trip, which will be supported by donations.



If you would like to help, 鸡笼eratives and individuals may make a donation in the following ways:

• By check:  Make out to “NRECA International” and put “MN 2024 trip” in the memo (send checks to beat365中文官方网站, 73大道11640号. N., Maple Grove, MN 55369)

• Pay directly through PayPal by clicking scanning this QR code with a mobile device:


合作社可考虑未认领的资本信贷. The first $60,000 of donations received will be matched by the generous support CFC. 也, 鸡笼eratives that borrow from CoBank may utilize their Sharing Success matching grant program for up to $10,000. 2024年计划将于4月1日开始。http://www.cobank.com/citizenship/corporate-giving/sharing-success).

Let us know if you plan to give to this year’s trip using these matching funds. Money raised in excess of what is needed for this trip will be held for future international electrification efforts.


Cooperatives who have volunteered to send a line worker on this trip:

  • 湖乡电力
  • MiEnergy合作
  • 明尼苏达谷电力合作社
  • 贵族合作电力公司
  • 人民能源合作社
  • 苏谷能源
  • 斯特恩斯电气协会


Iowa has participated in an electrification effort in Guatemala in the past. 这段短视频总结了他们的经验: http://youtu.be/jAV-gqPOTW4

了解更多关于NRECA国际项目的信息: http://www.nrecainternational.coop

Another great video of how this trip can impact those who volunteer and those who receive the power: http://vimeo.com/788766898

